2015年9月29日 星期二

字彙學Week 2

Today's Notes:

                                                                                     A prescription
predict (v.) to say that an event or action wii happen in the future
premiere (n.) the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment
prescription (n.) a paper on which a doctor writes the details of the mediciner or drugs that someone needs

2.con-:with, together

consonant (n.) one of the speech sounds or letters of the alphabet which isn't a vowel.
concert (n.) a performance of music by one or more musicians or singers
conduct (v.) to organize and perform a particular activity
conceal (v.) to prevent something from being seen or known about; or to hide something


4.-ten:to hold

                                                                               Explation of anniuity
anniversary (n.) the day which an important event happened in a previous year
anniuity (n.) a fixed amount of money paid to someone every year, usually until their death, or the insurance agreement or investment which provides the money that is paid
annoy (adj.) to make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about something

6.-ac: take

acknowledge (v.) admit; reconize something's importance; accept someone's authority
acquire (v.) to get something
access (v.) the method or possibility of getting near to a place or person, or right to use something

7.best man (n.) 伴郎

8.Jesus knocking the door: One should open his/her mind to let others know them deeper

3 man who influence English the most:
1.William Caxton (a print boss)
2.James I (a king who translate Bible into English)
3.Samuel Johnson (an English writer who made lasting contributions to English Literature as a poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor and lexicographer)
James I

William Caxton

Samuel Johnson

Week 2 西概筆記

Today's Words,suffixes(-) and (-)prefixes~~~
1.de-:down, away from

  dis-:to show disrespect for, affront

                                                                                                              (A game??XD)

4.-spect:to look

5.per-:though, utterly, very
                                                                                         (One-point perspective)
6.equilibrium (n.) 平衡系統
(e.g:The government is anxious not to upset the economic equilibrium.)
7.anthology (n.) 文選
(e.g:English anthology is very important in later class next year. )

                                                                                                (Bookworm of the next year??)
Today's little knowledge and reflection:
Athena is in favor of owl, which is a representation of wisdom. Today, we also see many beautiful pictures of teacher's trip to Greece, scenes there were very astonishing!

                                                                                          (There's a owl on Athena's shield.)

2015年9月21日 星期一


  Today is the first class of the vocabuly class, and we learn some basic terms of English.
For example, we learn that a word is made up of prefix(字首), suffix(字尾), root(字根), and they can make up every English words.

Explaination of Prefix

Explaination of Suffix

Explaination of Root

Next, we watched a video about English history, which is very briefly. I knew that Shakesphere had created over 1500 words, and some of them we still using today. That's very interesting!!

十分鐘讀懂英文史 The History of English in Ten Minutes Chinese(trad.) Subtitled


 P.S:English=Saxon's grammer+French

Today's words(suffix and prefix inclueded):
1.depreciate (v.) 貶值

2015年9月18日 星期五

Week 1 西概筆記

Today, we have 3 main points:

1.What is that?

2.What is that for? 

3.Why should we care?
In our class, the answers will be...
1.It's a course that introduced Westren Literature in Classical Literature and Bible.


              Gods in ancient greece literature


The Cover of the Bible

2.It would help us to have further understanding of the Western Literature.And, professor said that she can't turn 0 to 1, but can turn 10 to 10000, which told us must to have a sense of  English. 

3.The reason why should we care is that this will broaden our horizon and increase the ability of appreciating literature works.

Besides,we learn Roman Numbers in the class--- I think it's very interesting because I only know "I","X" and"V" before the class.Also, I realize that Roman Numbers has a rule says when it comes to figures which is end with 4 or 9 should use minus.

For example:

Some practice:
year 2015:MMXV
Teachers' Day (928):MCXXVIII
The price of the bookworm--1403NTD:MDCIII

Last, a sentence said by the professer has deeply rooted in my memory:
"Know yourself better before you know the enemy"

Movies to watch~~

Helen of Troy


Alexander 2004


The Odyssey(Only have trailer on Youtube)