2015年11月26日 星期四

字彙筆記 Week 3

Today's various words:

eliminate (v.)  to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted
evoke (v.) to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone
excrete (v.)  to get rid of waste material from your body through your bowels, your skin etc

euphoria (n.) an extremely strong feeling of happiness and excitement which usually only lasts for a short time
euphemism (n.) a polite word or expression that you use instead of a more direct one to avoid shocking or upsetting someone
example of euphemism

ubiquitous (adj.) seeming to be everywhere ( sometimes used humorously)

generation (n.) all people of about the same age
generator (n.) a machine (comapny) that produces electricity
electric generator


5.relinquish V.S estranged
relinquish (v.) formal to let someone else have your position, power, or rights, especially unwillingly (similiar to give up)
estranged (adj.) no longer feeling any connection with something that used to be important in your life (similiar to alienate)

 synonym of relinquish

Other extra information:

1.Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel is an etiological myth in the Book of Genesis of the Tanakh (also referred to as the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament) meant to explain the origin of different languages. According to the story, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar. There they agreed to build a city and tower; seeing this, God confounded their speech so that they could no longer understand each other and scattered them around the world.
The Tower of Babel has been associated with known structures according to some modern scholars, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to the Mesopotamian god Marduk by Nabopolassar, king of Babylonia (c. 610 BCE). The Great Ziggurat of Babylon was 91 metres (300 ft) in height. Alexander the Great ordered it demolished circa 331 BCE in preparation for a reconstruction that his death forestalled. A Sumerian story with some similar elements is told in Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta.
tower of babel

