2015年12月25日 星期五

字彙筆記Week 10 (Week 9 Midterm)

Today's words:

1.meta-:after,along with,beyond,among,behind

metaphor (n.) a way of describing something by referring to it as something different and suggesting that it has similar qualities to that thing

metaphysical (adj.) concerned with the study of metaphysics

metabolic (adj.) relating to your body's metabolism
metaphysical pic 



hemoglobin (n.) a red substance in the blood that contains iron and carries oxygen

hemophilia (n.) a serious disease that prevents a person's blood from becoming thick, so that they lose a lot of blood easily if they are injured

hemorrhoids (n.) painfully swollen blood vessels near a person's anus

3.uri- a combing form meaning "urine"

urinal (n.) a type of toilet for men to urinate into, usually attached to a wall

uric (adj.) relating to urine

urine (n.) the yellow liquid waste that comes out of the body from the bladder

4.venerate (v.) 

to honour or respect someone or something because they are old, holy, or connected with the past

5.rebellion (n.)

an organized attempt to change the government or leader of a country, using violence


